Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday, December 19th

Snowflake's Last Day in our Classroom!

She is "zipping" right on out of here! 

A little Candy Cane for the flight back to the North Pole!

She even left us a little note!

Dear Mrs. Brewster’s 3rd Grade Reading Class,

     Thank you for inviting me into your classroom these last two weeks!  You are a great bunch of kids and I have told Santa so much!  Keep being kind and respectful to your friends and teachers (I know you can do it)!  I hope you enjoyed the journals, bookmarks, candy, and the book, “Santa is coming to Nebraska”!  Don’t forget to take your journals home, so you can tell your families all about our time together! 

     I know I’m “zipping” on out of here a few days early, but my work here is done and you will be enjoying your Christmas break in just a few short hours!  I’m wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the North Pole to you! 


Thursday, December 18, 2014

Winter Concert

Winter Concert
December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18th

     Snowflake is enjoying her time in our classroom, but look what she brought us to read today!  We can't wait to read our new book, "Santa is Coming to Nebraska"!  

Thank you Snowflake for our new book! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, December 17th

     Snowflake was able to enjoy the two snow days doing what she loves best, building a snowman!  Since she knew that the snow would melt by the time we got back to school she found some toilet paper to build us our very own classroom snowman!  Thank you Snowflake! 

Want to build a snowman?

She has been waiting for us to come back to school for 4 days now, but we sure did enjoy our snow days! :) 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12th

Snowflake is feeling better!

     Snowflake must be over her tummy ache because she was nice enough to bring us beautiful coloring pages for the holiday season!  

Snowflake and her coloring pages!

Merry Christmas from Snowflake to all of you!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thursday, December 11th

     Snowflake has a tummy ache from eating all that candy yesterday and needs to stay in bed today, but she made an exception so she could be in our classroom and turned the Kleenex box into her bed for the day so she could continue to keep a watchful eye on her wonderful 3rd grade class!  

Snowflake has a new bed for the day! 

Snowflake has delivered more Outstanding Behavior Awards!

Outstanding Behavior Award presented by Snowflake!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10th


Oh, no!!!  Snowflake got into the chocolate last night! 

That's a lot of candy for one little elf!

We caught her right in the middle of eating a Hershey's Kiss! 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9th


     Tuesday, December 9th Snowflake returned with wonderful gifts for the kiddos she loves so much!  She has brought bookmarks and journals for students to record their journey together and all the memories they are going to make!

Monday, December 8, 2014

"Elf on the Shelf"

The Elf on the Shelf

     This year the 3rd graders wrote letters to Santa on Friday, December 5th to ask him to send our reading class a scout elf.  Sure enough on Monday morning Santa made a special delivery to our classroom with our very own “Elf on the Shelf”!  We read the book and got all the details that we needed to know to make our Elf’s magic appear!  The first thing we must do is give her name so she can fly to and from the North Pole as we are gone from school.  Our beautiful elf was given the name, Snowflake!

     The book tells how the magic might disappear if the scout elf is touched, so the rule of the “Elf on the Shelf” states: “There’s only one rule that you have to follow so I will come back and be here tomorrow: Please do not touch me.  My magic might go, and Santa won’t hear all I’ve seen or I know.”  Although families are told not to touch their scout elf, they can talk to it and tell it all their Christmas wishes so it can report back to Santa accurately.

     We are excited to see what Santa and Snowflake have planned for the next two weeks! 

Can you spot Snowflake from afar? 

She made her first landing on the projector!! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Snow Globes

If I was trapped in a snow globe...

Each student had to write a story about themselves and tell us what they would do if they were trapped in a snow globe!  The students have some wonderful imaginations! 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

SunnyD Winners

Congratulations to our 
SunnyD Winners!

Students were asked to bring SunnyD labels.  For each label we collected we earned one free book!  The students did an outstanding job and had a grand total of 80 labels!  We can't wait for our 80 books to arrive!

1st Place - Isaac Busch (15 labels)
2nd Place - Kaitlyn Hughes (13 labels)
3rd Place - Wryder Svoboda (12 labels)

Congratulations to there three kids and the rest of the class for participating in our SunnyD Book Spree!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week 2014
October 23 - October 31

Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. 

The students put pinwheels in the front of the school! 

We Are a Drug Free School!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

1st Quarter AR Party!

1st Quarter AR Party!

The 3rd Grade AR achievers watched the movie Hachi: A Dog's Tale.  This movie is about a schoolboy that reports on his hero: Hachiko, his grandfather's dog.  In a flashback, a puppy at a Japanese monastery is crated and sent to the US.  The crate's tag tears, and when the puppy pushes his way out of the crate at the train station of a small Rhode Island town, Parker Wilson, a professor of music in nearby Providence, takes the dog home for the night.  His wife isn't happy about it, but after failing to find the owner, she lets the dog stay.  A Japanese friend reads the dog's tag - "Hachiko" or "Eight," a lucky number!  


Monday, October 13, 2014

Sunny D Book Spree

Dear Parents! 

This month we are going to be collecting SunnyD UPC labels and submitting them to win free books for our classroom!  20 labels = 20 FREE books!

Send your SunnyD labels to school with your child to give to their teacher!  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall in Love with Reading

Last week students helped me make pumpkins to decorate our bulletin board for the Fall season!  On their pumpkin they wrote "My favorite book is...."!  

Friday, October 3, 2014

Thank You, Mr. Falker

Today the 3rd Grade class read a book called "Thank You, Mr. Falker!" 

"Overjoyed at the thought of starting school and learning to read, Trisha is dismayed when all the letters and numbers in her books are jumbled up.  Only Mr. Falker recognizes her problem and takes the time to lead her to the magic of reading."

The students learned that people in our lives everyday are making a positive impact on their lives!  They wrote a thank you letter to a person that made a positive impact on their very own life! 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Homecoming Week 2014

This years homecoming dress up days are:

Monday---Maniac Sock Day---Wear the Wildest Socks

Tuesday---Give them the "Boot" Day---Wear your boots

Wednesday---"Wig Out" Wednesday---Wear a Wig to school day

Thursday---"Hats On/Off" to the Longhorns Day---Wear your favorite hat to school

Friday---Purple and White Day--- Show your school spirit!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A "Minion" Reasons to Love Reading

A "Minion" Reasons to Love Reading is our first bulletin board for the year!  Each student wrote their own reasons why they love to read.  Some students love to read because it is fun and learn new things, while other students read for school and to make their AR goal!